The school provides a curriculum that is broad and ambitious for all pupils.   Leaders have structured learning to make sure that pupils in mixed-age classes achieve well.    Ofsted 2023

Foxgloves ( Reception)

Foxgloves is a new addition to our school, as our pupil numbers having been increasing over the past few years so that we are now able to run a fourth primary class for our reception children. The children in reception benefit from small group teaching throughout the morning as they are able to flow between the continuous provision and their class base. During the afternoons they continue to enjoy continuous provision in our EYFS unit and also take part in activities such as music, PE and outdoor education with their KS1 peers. 
The children reflect on the three simple rules of their school Ready, Respect, Safe as they work together which also link well to the school's Christian values.
The children use Mood Monsters to help them to make sense of and express their emotions.
You can find out more about Foxgloves in our school's weekly SWAY newsletter where Miss Hartnell shares the week's news and photos, click on our Newsletter tab and follow the links.