The school provides a curriculum that is broad and ambitious for all pupils.   Leaders have structured learning to make sure that pupils in mixed-age classes achieve well.    Ofsted 2023

Useful Information

Information in this section includes:
The School Day
The School Day
School begins at 9 o'clock. Children are welcome to arrive from 8:45am and go straight into their class. 

Morning break is from 10:45- 11:00am. The children can bring in a drink and a small snack e.g. a piece of fruit, plain biscuit (please note: we are a nut free school). 

Lunch break is from 12:30 - 1:30pm.

All of the children are supervised at lunchtimes by our Meal Time Assistants, who encourage them to eat the food they are given (from home or school) and to have good table manners. The MTAs also supervise the children when they go out to play.

There is an afternoon break of ten minutes for children in KS1.
School ends at 3:30pm. The staff escort the children to the gate and make sure that they are safely collected. If you are a little late picking up from school, please inform us if you can. If you have not arrived by 3:40pm, your child will wait in After School Club where a charge will be applied to your ParentPay account. 
It is important (and your legal responsibility) to ensure that your child attends school regularly and at the agreed times. We would appreciate it if you would follow the procedures, below, if your child is late or absent from school.

Late Arrival
Please telephone school if your child is going to be late. 

Sickness Absence
If your child is unwell and will not be coming to school, please telephone school as soon as possible on the first day of absence to let us know. If the absence lasts longer than one day, please keep in touch with us by phone or email. We should also be notified of hospital appointments, etc., in advance, as we are required to make a note of the reason for any absence in the class registers.

Authorised Absence
Application for authorised absence in exceptional circumstances must be made using an absence request form which can be obtained from the school office. Please note, absence in the first weeks of the new school year, in September, and also during May, when SATs take place is very unlikely to be authorised.
All applications must be made in advance of absence. 


If an absence request is refused and the child is taken out of school anyway the county must be advised and a Penalty Notice may be issued.

Any unauthorised absence has to be recorded on the school's (and the child's) records.

For further details, please see the attendance policy on the Policy page. 
If your child has medicine which has to be given during the school day, we are able to do this for you. You will have to fill in a Green Medicine Form about the medication at the school office. 

All medicines should be handed in to the school office by the parent and collected from there at the end of the school day. Children are not allowed to self-medicate in school . Staff will only administer prescribed medication which is clearly marked with the child's name and cannot administer this without a completed Green Medicine Form signed by the parent.

If your child has a long-term medical condition, please discuss this with the class teacher and Miss Williams.