The school provides a curriculum that is broad and ambitious for all pupils.   Leaders have structured learning to make sure that pupils in mixed-age classes achieve well.    Ofsted 2023

Middlecott Class (Yr 3 & 4)

Welcome to Middlecott Class!
Middlecott are taught by Mrs Halewood.
The class is very large, light and airy with access out into the library.
Children in Middlecott benefit from our Talk for Writing Approach to English writing and learn maths based on the White Rose mathematics schemes. They are developing their confidence with maths reasoning and problem solving and use the maths working wall to support their learning.
The development of the children's metacognition (Thinking about thinking) is supported by their use of the concept of the "learning pit" and their understanding of the "4Rs" Resilience, Resourcefulness, Reflectiveness and Reciprocity.
You can find out more about Middlecott class if you look us up in the school's weekly SWAY newsletter where we share information, photos and examples of our learning.
Metacognition - Thinking about thinking is taught in our class and our children are able to explain how they approach challenge and the tools that they can use to help them. The children have four animal characters to refer to, which help them to remember the 4 Rs of Resilience, Reciprocity, Resourcefulness and Reflectiveness.